About Paul
Paul Whitby
Company Director & Principal Ecologist
Paul is a Chartered Ecologist with eighteen years experience working as an ecologist and environmental consultant. His career began in Cheshire working on a number of large projects including gas pipelines, waste recovery centres, Liquid Natural Gas installations and other commercial developments.
After working a sole trader for five years, Paul founded The Ecology Co-operation in March 2014 to accommodate an expanding team of ecologists. Paul has working experience with a wide variety of British terrestrial wildlife and has managed projects of all sizes including writing Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA), Environmental Statement chapters and producing Habitat Management Plans. Paul has also acted as an expert witness at eight planning enquiries and has provided training to ecologists and others within the planning profession. In 2022 Paul was elected to the governing board of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).
Licenses and Key Experience:
Bat level 2 license - CL19
Dormouse level 1 license - CL10A
Great crested newt license - CL10
Technical lead on bat emergence surveys and bat EPS licensing
Technical lead on Ecological Impact Assessment
Expert witness experience on a variety of ecology matters
FISC Level 4 botanist
Survey and mitigation experience for water voles, badgers, reptiles, breeding and wintering birds
Contact Paul